Verified Numbers - Cancel Subscription

How do I cancel my Verified Number subscription? 

Verified numbers are currently only available to iOS users and you can find instructions on how to cancel below. If you're looking to cancel your Burner subscription instead, you can view the instructions here

Android Users:

The subscription must be cancelled through your Google Play account by clicking here or instructions can be found by visiting this link:

If for some reason you're unable to cancel, here's what your next steps should be! Contact us at and send us a screenshot of the full emailed receipt from the Google Play store. This screenshot should include all of the following: - GPA, Date/Time, Items ordered, Price, and the Renewal Date.

iOS Users: 

The subscription must be cancelled through your iTunes account by clicking here or instructions can be found by visiting this link

Unfortunately, since we do not have access into Apple's system, we are unable to cancel the Apple based subscription for you. If you're having trouble doing so, here's where you can contact the Apple Support Team for more help!

Can't find the information you're looking for in our Help Center? Take less than 1 minute to fill out this form and let us know what's missing! Once submitted, we'll make sure to get it updated in under 24 hours! 
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