Change Background Color

Change your Burner Background Color

Setting a background color can be done for fun, or used as a helpful differentiator between your Burner numbers. You'll have the option to change the background color for each and every line you have.
For iOS Users:     
  1. Start by selecting the Burner number you want to change the background color for by selecting the number from the 'All Numbers' inbox at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap on the gear ion at the top right of the screen.
  3. Tap on Number Color.
  4. Tap on the color you'd like for your Burner background and then press Save.
For Android Users:     
  1. First, tap the All Numbers option at the top left and choose the Burner that you want to change the background color for.
  2. Then, tap on the Settings icon at the bottom right. 
  3. Scroll down to 'Number Color'.
  4. Tap on the color you'd like for your Burner background and it will automatically save. 

As soon as you choose the background color for your Burner number, exit the Settings screen to see the results!

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