In-App Calling (VoIP)

In-App Calling (VoIP)

In-app calling, or VoIP, is the ability for your Burner to make and receive calls through an internet connection such as cellular data or wifi.

In-app calling is managed on a per line basis. To activate in-app calling for a Burner, you have to toggle the settings per line.
iOS Users:
  1. Choose the Burner number you wish to edit under All Numbers and tap the gear icon at the top right of the page.
  2. Scroll down until you find "VoIP In-app Calling".
  3. Click on it and choose 'Standard Voice' or 'VoIP'.
Android Users:
  1. Tap on All Numbers at the top left of the screen and choose the Burner number you want to turn on in-app calling for.
  2. Then, tap the settings icon at the bottom right.
  3. Scroll down until you find "In-App Calling."
  4. Then select Voice Over IP.
In-app calling is now activated. When you make or receive calls, they will pass through your internet connection.

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