Calls going directly to voicemail!
I'm sorry to hear that your calls are going to voicemail or being missed. Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try out! If none of this helps, please contact us at
1. Can you please try deleting and re-installing the app to force a refresh? All of your information is stored in the cloud (conversations, credits, etc.), so they won't be affected by this process.
2. Check to make sure Do Not Disturb, Ring, and Notifications are all enabled in the Burner app. If they are, turn them off then back on.
3. Make sure you do not have Do Not Disturb turned on in your device settings.
4. Switch your Caller ID settings for Burner from the current option to the opposite option that is available and see if that helps.
5. Turn on or off In-App Calling (VoIP).
6. It's possible that your calls are being blocked by your provider as spam. You can try disabling this option on your device and see if the calls will work or contact your provider if you don't see any option as such.
7. Please ensure that you are only using the device that hosts your main cell phone number. Meaning, check your Settings, then Account, then look at the bottom where it shows your main cell phone number and make sure it matches.
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