Auto-Reply to Text

Are you busy? Stuck in a meeting? Out on vacation? Not a problem. With Burner, you can set up an auto-reply to text messages so that people who text you while you're out know exactly when you'll be able to return their messages.

iOS Users:

You can set up a text auto-reply message for each of your Burners.

  1. Tap the Settings icon at the bottom of your inbox.
  2. Tap on Number Settings.
  3. Choose the Burner you want to set up Auto Reply for.
  4. Select Auto-Reply to Texts.
  5. Toggle the switch on or off and create your custom message.
  6. Tap Save at the top right.

Android Users:

  1. Tap the Settings icon at the bottom of your inbox.
  2. Choose the Burner you want to set up Auto Reply for.
  3. Select Auto-Reply to Texts.
  4. Toggle the switch on or off and create your custom message.
  5. Tap Save at the top right.
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